姓 名:

江 霞

性 别:

学 位:

博 士

职 称:

教 授/博导







邮 编:







1.2016.12—至今 新人注册送58的app 环境工程,教授;


3.2011.07—2016.12新人注册送58的app 环境工程,副教授;

4.2005.07—2011.07新加坡南洋理工大学 环境工程,博士,博士后;

5.2003.09—2005.07四川师范大学 环境工程,讲师;






3. 大气硫污染物控制技术与应用







1.国家重点研发计划“固废资源化”重点专项“废弃秸秆制备生物汽柴油成套技术与设备” (2019YFC1906700),2020-2022年,主持

2.国家自然科学面上基金“高抗水抗硫的氟接枝载锰多孔炭低温脱硝催化剂构筑及作用机理研究” (51978427),2020-2023年,主持




6.四川省重大科技专项项目“重点行业挥发性有机物(VOCs)全过程污染控制技术及装备” (19ZDZX0001),2019-2020年,课题主持

7.成都市科技局科技治霾专项“PM2.5前驱体减排新技术新装备研发及应用示范” (2018-ZM01-00046-SN),2019-2020年,主持




11.四川省科技厅国际合作项目“新型氮掺杂中孔生物质炭及其沼气脱硫脱碳的研究与应用” (2018HH0096),2018-2019年,主持


13.西部典型行业环境污染控制协同创新中心项目“锰矿浆法脱除烟气中高浓度SO2工艺研究” (15H0892),2016-2017年,主持

14.成都市环境监测站项目“2015年成都市大气复合污染状况综合分析” (15H0992),2016年,主持


16.国家自然科学基金青年基金“沼气厌氧/微氧生物脱硫体系构建及功能微生物分子生态学解析” (51208324),2013-2015年,主持

17.教育部博士点基金“赤铁矿-微生物协同脱除沼气中硫化氢的研究” (20120181120110),2013-2015年,主持

18.科技部863计划-子课题“水泥窑尾烟气SNCR关键设备与工艺研究” (2012AA062503-3),2012-2014年,主持



1.Gan, F., Wang, B., Jin, Z., Xie, L., Dai, Z., Zhou, T.,Jiang, X. *From typical silicon-rich biomass to porous carbon-zeolite composite: A sustainable approach for efficient adsorption of CO2. Science of The Total Environment, 2021, 768, 144529.

2.Chen, L., Yuan, J., Li, T.,Jiang, X.,*Ma, S., Cen, W., Jiang, W. A regenerable N-rich hierarchical porous carbon synthesized from waste biomass for H2S removal at room temperature, Science of the Total Environment, 2021, 768, 144452.

3.Liu, L., Wang, B., Yao, X., Yang, L., Jiang, W.,Jiang, X.*, Highly efficient MnOx/biochar catalysts obtained by air oxidation for low-temperature NH3-SCR of NO. Fuel, 2021, 283, 119336

4.Ma, Q., Chen, W., Jin Ziheng, Chen, L., Zhou, Q.,Jiang, X.*One-step synthesis of microporous N-doped biochar for efficient removal of CO2and H2S. Fuel, 2021, 289, 119932.

5.Jin, Z.,Jiang, X.*, Dai, Z., Xie, L., Wang, W., Shen, L., Continuous synthesis of nanodroplet-templated, N-doped microporous carbon spheres in microfluidic system for CO2capture. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2020, 12, 52571.

6.Jin, Z., Wang, B., Ma, L., Fu, P., Xie, L.,Jiang, X*., Jiang, W. Air pre-oxidation induced high yield N-doped porous biochar for improving toluene adsorption, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020, 385, 123843

7.Xie, L., Jin, Z., Dai, Z., Chang, Y.,Jiang, X.*, Wang, H., Porous carbons synthesized by templating approach from fluid precursors and their applications in environment and energy storage: A review. Carbon, 2020, 170, 100.

8.Wang, B., Gan, F., Dai, Z., Ma, S., Chen, W.,Jiang, X.*, Air oxidation coupling NH3treatment of biomass derived hierarchical porous biochar for enhanced toluene removal. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2020, 123995

9.Li, D., Chen, W.*, Wu, J., Jia, C. Q.,Jiang, X.*, The preparation of waste biomass-derived N-doped carbons and their application in acid gas removal: Focus on N functional groups. Journal of Materials Chemistry A: Materials for Energy and Sustainability, 2020, 8, 24977-24995.

10.Chen W., Zhang G., Li D., Ma S., Wang B.,Jiang X.*, Preparation of N-doped porous carbon from waste polyurethane foam by hydrothermal carbonization for H2S adsorption. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2020, 59, 7447-7456

11.Jiang X.*, Wu J., Jin Z., Yang S., Shen L. Enhancing the removal of H2S from biogas through refluxing of outlet gas in biological bubble-column. Bioresource Technology, 2020, 299, 122621.

12.Wu J.,Jiang X.*, Jin Z., Yang S., Zhang J. The performance and microbial community in a slightly alkaline biotrickling filter for the removal of high concentration H2S from biogas, Chemosphere, 2020, 249, 126127.

13.Chen, L., Jiang, X.*, Xie, R., Zhang, Y., Jin, Y., Jiang, W., A novel porous biochar-supported Fe-Mn composite as a persulfate activator for the removal of acid red 88. Separation and Purification Technology, 2020, 250, 117232.

14.Tian, B., Ma, S.*, Zhan, Y., Jiang, X.*, Gao, T., Stability and catalytic activity to NOx and NH3of single-atom manganese catalyst with graphene-based substrate: A DFT study. Applied Surface Science, 2020, 541, 148460.

15.Zhou, Q., Chen, W., Jiang, X.*, Liu, H., Ma, S., Wang, B. Preparation of a novel N containing graphitic mesoporous carbon for the removal of acid red 88. Scientific Reports, 2020, 10, 1353.

16.Ye, X., Ma S.,Jiang, X.*, Yang Z., Jiang W., Wang, H. The adsorption of acidic gaseous pollutants on metal and nonmetallic surface studied by first-principles calculation: A review. Chinese Chemical Letters, 2019, 30, 2123-2131

17.Liu, F., Tan Q., Jiang X.*, Yang F., Jiang W. Effects of relative humidity and PM2.5chemical compositions on visibility impairment in Chengdu, China. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2019, 86: 15-23.

18.Zhou, Q.,Jiang, X.*.,Guo, Y.,Zhang, G.,Jiang, W. Preparation of high-yield N-doped biochar from N-containing phosphate and its effective adsorption for toluene. RSC Advances, 2018, 8: 30171-30179

19.Zhou, Q.,Jiang, X.*,Guo, Y.,Zhang, G.,Jiang, W. An ultra-high surface area mesoporous carbon prepared by a novel MnO-templated method for highly effective adsorption of methylene blue. Chemosphere, 2018, 201: 519-529

20.Yuan, J.,Jiang, X*,Chen, D.,Jiang, W., Li, J. Evolution of sulfur species on titanium ore modified activated coke during flue gas desulfurization. Energy & Fuels, 2018,32:8623-8630

21.Yuan, J.,Jiang, X.*,Zou, M., Zhang, C., Yao, L., Jiang, W. Copper ore-modified activated coke: highly efficient and regenerable catalysts for SO2removal. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2018, 57: 15731-15739.

22.Yang, L., Huang, T.,Jiang, X.*,et al. Effect of steam and CO2activation on characteristics and desulfurization performance of pyrolusite modified activated carbon. Adsorption, 2016, 22: 1099–1107

23.Zhou, Q.,Jiang, X.*, Li, X.,et al. The control of H2S in biogas using iron ores as in situ desulfurizers during anaerobic digestion process.AppliedMicrobiology Biotechnology, 2016, 100: 8179-8189

24.Yang, L.,Jiang, X.*,Yang, Z.,et al.Effect of MnSO4on the removal of SO2by manganese-modified activated coke.Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research,2015, 54(5), 1689−1696

25.Zhou, Q., Liang, H., Yang, S.,Jiang, X.*.The removal of hydrogen sulfide from biogas in a microaerobic biotrickling filter using polypropylene carrier as packing material.Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology,2015, 175(8): 3763-3777

26.Yang, S., Tang, Y., Gou, M.,Jiang, X.*Effect of sulfate addition on methane production and sulfate reduction in a mesophilic acetate-fed anaerobic reactor. Applied Microbiology Biotechnology, 2015,99 (7): 3269-3277.

27.Jiang, X.,Yang, S., Li, W. Biodesulfurization of model compounds and de-asphalted bunker oil by mixed culture. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 2014, 172(1): 62-72

28.Li, W.,Jiang, X.*. Enhancement of bunker oil biodesulfurization by adding surfactant. World Journal of Microbiology Biotechnology, 2013, 29:103–108.

29.Jiang, X.,Yan, R., Tay, J.H., Removal mechanisms of H2S using exhausted carbon in biofiltration. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2011, 185: 1543–1549

30.Jiang, X.,Tay, J.H., Operational characteristics of efficient co-removal of H2S and NH3in a horizontal biotrickling filter using exhausted carbon. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2010, 176: 638-643


1.国家烟气脱硫工程技术研究中心工程技术委员会 秘书长

2.四川省碳中和技术创新中心 常务副主任

3.中国环境科学学会青年科学家分委会 委员

4.中国环境科学学会臭氧污染控制专业委员会 委员

5.中国化工学会石化生态工程专业委员会 委员

6.中国化工学会化工过程强化专业委员会青年委员会 委员

7.全国化工机械与设备标准化技术委员会 委员

8.Chinese Chemical Letters青年编委

9.Journal of Leather Science and Engineering 编委













10. 2013年获“新人注册送58的app优秀青年骨干教师”



2.水泥分解炉SNCR法脱硝系统的氨水喷洒方法和喷洒装置.授权号:ZL 201410254676.3,授权日:2018.03.28

3.水泥生产中SNCR烟气脱硝系统的喷氨量控制方法.授权号:ZL 201510188180. 5,授权日:2017.08.25

4.横流式滴滤箱及生物滴滤池.实用新型,授权号:ZL 201920046278.0,授权日:2019.10.11

5.一种去除锰矿脱硫液中连二硫酸锰的方法.授权号:ZL 201810199740.0.授权日:2020.03.17

6.富含介孔生物炭及其制备方法.授权号:ZL 201810526515.3.授权日:2020.07.31

7.一种生活污水的处理系统.授权号:ZL 201910767759.5.授权日:2020.10.20

8.基于微旋流分离的短流程氧化锰矿浆脱硫方法、脱硫吸收塔及锰硫资源回收系统.授权号:ZL 01910303837.6.授权日:2020.12

9.含油土壤修复方法和装置.中国发明专利,授权号:ZL 201811062335.授权日:2021.02.05




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